GPS Links Page
There are a lot of other GPS and related sites on the Web, so here are a few links that might tell you some more about GPS and how to use it. I prefer to give annotate links, to give you a better idea of what is on offer, rather than just lift a set of links from someone's page and pretend I've checked them all myself.
IGC GNSS web site. The gliding section of the official FAI site on GPS. To save you searching for things, below are a few of the more important links from that page.
IGC GNSS software site The official site from which to download flight recorder downloading software. This is an ftp site, which means all it provides are download facilities, and there is nothing to read here. (See below)
IGC GNSS Free Software is the newer version of the above page and much more user friendly. The files here are supplied by the flight recorder manufacturers and are public domain i.e. free to use and distribute. Note that these are usually DOS programs.
IGC-approved flight recorders lists all the currently approved models and is useful if you are considering buying a flight recorder: (This is a pdf file)
GNSS Analysis Programs - these are not IGC or FAI produced or approved, just a list of those that they know about. This is a .pdf file, and you need Adobe Acrobat to read it. The software is designed to analysis your flight, show where you have been, rate of climb, and other useful stuff. Unfortunately they all seem to show exactly what you did wrong as well, such as spending too long in a weak thermal perhaps.
Tom's Garmin GPS III is a page discussing, wait for it, the GPS III. It features mini articles from other contributors on the GPS III, including bugs in the software, undocumented self tests, and other useful information.
GPS World is an online magazine about GPS systems and related news items
Garmin SupportCentre with links to their FAQs, manuals and other helpful things.